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Bambu Lab Software

Bambu Studio

Bambu Studio is an open-source, cutting-edge, feature-rich slicing software. It contains project-based workflows, systematically optimized slicing algorithms, and an easy-to-use graphical interface, bringing users an incredibly smooth printing experience.

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Bambu Handy

Bambu Handy is an all-in-one mobile app designed specifically for Bambu Lab 3D printers. With Bambu Handy, you can control your printer anytime anywhere. It makes your printing at hand and at ease.

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Bambu Studio Features

Bambu Handy Features

Other Software


Prepare files for printing with Raise3D’s unique 3D slicer software

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A powerful slicer and a great alternative to proprietary software from 3D printer manufacturers.

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CURA Slicer

UltiMaker Cura is free, easy-to-use 3D printing software trusted by millions of users.

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Other Software


Prepare files for printing with Raise3D’s unique 3D slicer software

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A powerful slicer and a great alternative to proprietary software from 3D printer manufacturers.

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CURA Slicer

UltiMaker Cura is free, easy-to-use 3D printing software trusted by millions of users.

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Software Features

3D Express
Main Features

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Upload a 3D File

Bambu Studio has put forward a leading workflow to truly achieve an “all in one” project. Based on the mainstream 3MF project format, it provides a series of revolutionary new features, such as Multi-Plate Support, a Project Resource Manager, and Assembly/Part View. It greatly improves the efficiency of both creators and regular users.

High Speed Print at Quality

It is challenging to print at high speed while maintaining high quality. Bambu Studio makes this happen. "Arch Move" makes the toolhead move smoothly and reduces the machine's vibration. The smart cooling is based on fine-tuned cooling parameters for each filament type. "Auto slow down" for overhang walls works to prevent deformation at high speeds.

Multi-Color Printing

Bambu Studio provides versatile colorizing tools to make a colorful model. You can freely add/remove filaments in a project and colorize your model with different brushes. Before printing, each filament will be auto-mapped to an AMS slot, not needing to manually change the spool placement in the AMS.

Remote Control & Monitoring

Bambu Studio support sending print job to your printer over WAN/LAN network, controlling & monitoring every aspect of your 3D printer and printing jobs. If you have more than one printer, you can easily switch between them in the device list.

STEP Format

Compared with STL, STEP brings more effective information. Thanks to the high accuracy of STEP, a lot of extrusion paths can be generated as arcs. STEP also includes the assembly relationship of each part of a model, which can be used to restore the assembly view after a model is split.

3D Text

With 3D Text tool, users can easily create various 3D text shapes in the project, making the model more personalized. Bambu Studio provides dozens of fonts and supports bold and italic styles to give text greater flexibility.

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